Linus König
Laura Hicks und Ilana Reynolds („Making Impressions and other failures”) haben für die Preiskategorie "Aushalten. Durchhalten. Standhalten", die Momente, durch die es weitergeht Linus König vom Theater Landungsbrücken Frankfurt nominiert:
„We would be very happy to nominate Linus König from Landungsbrücken Theater. He has been extremely supportive of 'Making Impressions and Other Failures', encouraging us to believe in the strength and unique humor of the work. In addition he has always made himself available to support us in ensuring that this work gets seen by more audiences, and has a continued life beyond the premiere that we did in Landungsbrücken in 2018. We are very grateful to his support, without it we might not have continued to push for this work to have a life even once the pandemic is over!"