Ticket sale for schools
Whether you would like to attend a play in the evening program or a morning performance with your class, whether you would like to purchase discounted tickets as a cooperation school or whether you would like to bring our mobile productions, classroom plays and readings to your school - please contact Jürgen Sachs and Max Linzner for all of this.
If you would like to book our family play, please contact the artistic director, Laura Merzmann.
Contact Schulbuchung:
Jürgen Sachs
Leiter Theater und Schule
Telefon: 06421. 99 02 37
Mail: j.sachs@hltm.de
Contact Mobile Kindergartenproduktion:
Max Linzner
Telefon: 06421. 99 02 54
E-Mail: kindergartenstueck@hltm.de
Contact family play:
Laura Merzmann
Referentin der Intendanz
Telefon: 06421. 99 02 33
Mail: familienstueck@hltm.de