Alex Röser Vatiché

Alex Röser Vatiché

Alex Röser Vatiché is a freelance musician, composer and music producer. He is the initiator of the Bells Echo event series, which uses audiovisual performances in churches and monumental buildings to engage with spirituality, architecture and humanity in a way that is critical of the zeitgeist. Alex Röser Vatiché has been a student of composer Friederike Bernhardt since 2019. He has worked as a musician at the Nibelungenfestspiele Worms, the Residenztheater Munich and the Theater Bonn, as well as in various bands in Europe and the USA. In addition to his freelance work, Alex Röser Vatiché is studying dramaturgy at the Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy Academy of Music and Theater in Leipzig.

Alex Röser Vatiché