Camil Morariu als Jonas Brandt

© Henrik Isenberg

Camil Morariu als Jonas Brandt

© Henrik Isenberg

Camil Morariu als Jonas Brandt

© Henrik Isenberg

Camil Morariu als Jonas Brandt

© Henrik Isenberg

Camil Morariu als Jonas Brandt

© Henrik Isenberg

Camil Morariu als Jonas Brandt

© Henrik Isenberg

Camil Morariu als Jonas Brandt

© Henrik Isenberg

Karen Köhler

Deine Helden - Meine Träume

Classroom productions


Plagued by nightmares, Jonas decides to visit his former classroom to face the spirits of the past. Haunted by a guilty conscience, he begins searching for a letter he wrote seven years ago, a letter to Mo, aka Mohammed Ali, his once best friend, whom he betrayed out of jealousy and a desire to fit in. “Your Heroes – My Dreams” is an important piece of theatre about values such as friendship and loyalty, and also about the right-wing scene’s seductive strategies and the dangers of silence and indifference.

Hier geht es zur Materialmappe zum Stück.



approx. 50 minutes


Friday, 18.10.2019

Direction: Anne Decker
Dramaturgy: Carola Unser-Leichtweiß
Theatre pedagogy: Michael Pietsch, Juliane Nowak

Curriculum relevant information